William G. Robbins papers, 1886-2004.


William G. Robbins papers, 1886-2004.

The William G. Robbins Papers consist of materials generated and assembled by Robbins for teaching, research, and writing. The papers consist of correspondence (arranged choronologically), annual activity summary files, article and book reviews written by Robbins, conference papers and speeches, teaching materials, class notes and papers from his graduate education, and extensive research and reference materials. The papers also include newspaper clippings; publications and reports; and a few photographs. The correspondence pertains to the publication of his research, search for employment as a university instructor, and Robbins' teaching post in the Oregon State University History Department and document Robbins' interaction with colleagues, journal editors, and university administrators. The teaching materials includes course syllabi, lecture and research notes, graduate student files, and reference materials assembled for a series of courses on Native American historical topics. The graduate student files reflect Robbins' role as an advisor and contain correspondence, meeting notices, essays, and thesis proposals. The research and reference materials were assembled by Robbins in the course of his research and writing and include photocopies from a variety of archives and primary source repositories.

14 archives boxes.

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